Q. 01



△ 入住時間 14:00〜 ; 退房時間〜11:00,超時每1小時將酌收休息費200元
△ 櫃檯時間 09:00〜21:00。超過此時間入住,請提前告知櫃台人員,將特別安排。
△ 為安全起見,24小時門禁管制(需使用房卡進出大門)
△ 訂房入住前或退房後可免費寄放行李,貴重物品請隨身攜帶,入住後請自行妥善保管財物,旅店不負保管責任。
△ 背包房禁止飲食,若需要用餐,請至一樓交誼餐廳。(床位)若未經告知自行更換床位,將酌收清潔費$500。背包房每床位限一人使用。
△ 本館全面禁菸。另嚴禁賭博、毒品或攜帶任何非法物品,若得知一律報警。
△ 本館不提供寵物入住。
△ 為安全考量,不提供7歲以下孩童入住。父母陪同可。
△ 如有訪客請至1樓交誼餐廳,不可進入房間內,並請於晚上10點前離開館內。如需留宿加床,請提前告知工作人員。
△ 不慎遺失房卡鑰匙,酌收工本處理費新台幣$500/份。
△ 每日客房清掃時間10:00~14:00,為響應環保續住的客房不進行整理,如需清掃請告知工作人員。背包房在清掃期間房門會開啟,感謝您的理解與配合。
△ 公共衛浴提供住房旅客共同使用的盥洗區域及如廁設施;男女獨立的衛浴空間且配置齊全的設備,每個獨立淋浴間內包含了乾濕分離的更衣空間及配置花灑的淋浴區、吹風機及盥洗區域。
△ 公共衛浴提供住房旅客共同使用的盥洗區域及如廁設施,為響應環保,背包房入住提供毛巾租借(10元)、品牌沐浴乳及洗髮精,毛巾使用完畢請放入浴室毛巾回收桶內,如需額外毛巾可至櫃檯付費租借,如需其他物品請自行攜帶。
△ 如發現房內、屋內、公共設備損壞或遺失,一律照價賠償。
△ 未敘述之情況,依現場狀況由本店公告為主。

《Hostel Guest Rules》

△ Check-in 14:00

△ Check-out 11:00 (Extra fee 200NTD/ additional hour)

△ Reception:09:00 – 21:00. If you need a late check-in, please let reception know in advance.

△ For safety purposes, hostel main door access is needed 24hrs (Please use your room card to enter hostel)

△ Luggage room is available for free. Please keep your belongings safe. We are not liable for any loss, theft or damage to guest’s property.

△ No food allowed in the dormitory rooms. Please go to 1F Communal Kitchen.

△ No smoking, gambling or any illegal activities in hostel. No pets allowed.

△ Minimum Guest Age For Stay : 7 Years Old (Any children under the age of 7 years old, must be accompanied by a Parent)

△ Visitors (not guests of the hostel) are not allowed in the Communal Kitchen after hours. The Communal Kitchen doors are locked at 22:00. Any Visitors making a disturbance, may be asked to leave.

△ Visitors are only allowed in the Communal Kitchen and the Main lobby. Guests are liable for their Visitors.

△ If you lose your room card, it’s a NTD500 fee for a replacement.

△ When you stay more than 1 night, it will not be cleaned. However, if you need a room cleaned, please make a request at the front desk. Cleaning hours are from 10:00 – 15:00, so please let the front desk know in advance. While cleaning the rooms, the main room door will be kept open.

△ Room Amenities include: Shower gel, shampoo, and one towel. After you finish your stay, kindly place towels in the laundry bin that is located in the shower room.

Thank you! Please enjoy your stay at TG Hostel!

Q. 02



電話訂房 PHONE:04-22295653

信箱訂房 EMAIL:tghostel.tc@gmail.com

社群訂房 TEXT:iMessage(FB)